
 In 2021, we proudly announced that the world-renowned Dana-Farber Cancer Institute acquired Bright Pink’s suite of programs and Bright Pink transitioned into a nonprofit Venture Philanthropy Fund. As our role evolves from service provider to convener and catalyst of the best and brightest in the breast and ovarian health space, we remain deeply committed to helping connect individuals with the education and support they need to be proactive with their breast and ovarian health.

We want to ensure you have the knowledge, tools and resources necessary to be proactive with your health.

High Risk Support

  • Imerman Angels

    One-on-one peer support for survivors, previvors & caregivers.

    Imerman Angels currently manages the former Bright Pink program, PinkPal, which matches a young woman at high-risk for breast/ovarian cancer, with a woman of similar demographics to offer unmatched one-on-one support through her high-risk journey.

  • Living Beyond Breast Cancer

    Offers emotional, practical, and evidence-based content to those newly diagnosed, in treatment, post-treatment, and living with metastatic breast cancer.

    Living Beyond Breast Cancer moderates and leads Bright Pink's former closed Facebook Suppport Community.

Bright Pink’s Provider Education, Brighten Up Educational Workshops,,, Breast Health Reminders & All Other Historical Programs

Currently, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is working to integrate Bright Pink’s historical suite of programs and tools into their suite of offerings. For updates on Dana-Farber’s progress, click here.

Other Helpful Resources

  • CDC's Interactive Tool on Sharing Family Cancer Risk

    Let’s Talk: Sharing Info About Your Family Cancer Risk is an interactive tool to help you learn ways to talk about cancer risk with your family members. Bright Pink CEO Lindsay Avner Kaplan was proud to serve as a subject matter expert in developing this incredible resource

  • Basser Center for BRCA

    The first comprehensive center for the research, treatment, and prevention of BRCA-related cancers provides education and genetic counseling services.

  • Facing our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE)

    Provides expert-reviewed information to help people make informed medical decisions, offers a supportive community to ensure no one faces hereditary cancer alone, and advocates for access to care and better treatment and prevention options.

  • Know Your Lemons

    Improving early detection for breast cancer through friendly, accessible, and inclusive educational programming including a free mobile app that supports breast self-awareness, screening, and prevention.

  • Bright Pink's Mastectomy Guide

    Helpful tips as you prepare and recover from a mastectomy from Bright Pink women who have already undergone the procedure

  • Connect My Variant

    ConnectMyVariant provides a number of informational guides on how to spread awareness amongst your relatives about inherited disease risk. Additionally, they can help people find others with similar variants.

  • Susan G. Komen's Breast Cancer Helpline

    The Susan G. Komen® Breast Care Helpline provides information about breast health, emotional support to anyone with questions or concerns and can help connect you to needed services, resources, and information.